The ‘Horizontal Shift’ for Professional Development

The ‘Horizontal Shift’ for Professional Development

Our careers, and personal lives, usually look like a polygraph test on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. If you’re like me, especially in my industry, this can be every two to three hours, depending on how my day is going. But generally, the highs of the graph represent when we are at the […]

Your KPIs are your responsibility. Be accountable for your growth!

Your KPIs are your responsibility. Be accountable for your growth!

Tell me about a time where you have had success in your role? Tell me about a time where you have solved problem A, what was the scenario and what was your overall achievement? Along your career path, you would have been faced with similar questions or instances where you have had to sell yourself […]

Dealing with imposter syndrome: Be at peace with your own value

Dealing with imposter syndrome- Be at peace with your own value

While growing up we probably changed our minds about our career aspirations as we passed through the different phases of growth. Such decisions often stem from our favourite activities at the time; and as we grew older, they slowly transcended into areas that are a true representation of our personal dispositions as individuals. For example, […]

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